Why Transfer your VHS to Digital ?


There are many ways to transfer VHS to Digital and the benefits of doing so are everlasting. It can be time consuming, expensive and daunting task. The positives will always outweigh the negatives. 


VHS tapes are a thing of the past. Digital video is a more accessible way to enjoy watching films and home movies. Digital Video removed the need for excessively pressing rewind, pause and play. No longer do we need to endure the loud noise of the tape playing.

Digital video is great but it has allowed precious content and moments get lost along the way. This is why home videos are at risk of being extinct

Videotapes can perish over time depending on the conditions they are stored in. Meaning any memories captured on tapes could eve – this does not need to happen. 


We’ve listed the benefits of transferring VHS to Digital to give you guidance in making the right choice: 

  1. Access your VHS to digital conversions from your mobile devices

    Setting up, fast-forwarding and rewinding through old tapes can be time consuming and inconvenient however, A digital video means you can simply scroll through, pause and play your videos on any device, wherever you like.
  • Video quality depreciation


    1. As the tapes age the quality of actual tape inside the VHS starts to wither. The picture clarity and audio only gets worse. Excessive playing will only put further strain on your tapes. Alternatively
  • Better audio and visuals
    1. Edits can be made during the conversion process. Old video that is over (or under) exposed can be brightened to provide more clarity. 
  • Share your memories easily


    1. When your videos are transferred to digital get them uploaded to the cloud. At the share of a link you can access your videos wherever you are, with family and friends across the globe. 
  • Your transferred VHS tapes will last a lifetime on digital


    You could lose all of those golden moments that your loved ones have captured on old camcorders. Transferring them to digital means they are given a new lease of life meaning they’re available for future generations.

Transferring your VHS to digital provides many benefits, for many they can bring joy and tears for generations to come. Avoid the heartache of losing old tapes by keeping them alive with a VHS to digital conversion.

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To discover more about the average lifespan of a tape click here